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Reporting Time: 09:30 AM
Date: Sunday, 27-01-2019
Message : Dear Participants of Jasn-e-Bachpan, you are receiving this message as you have filled the form of Jasn-e-Bachpan either offline or online.
First, on behalf of entire faculty member, I Principal of TAKSHILA SCHOOL GAYA, like to invite you to school campus on SUNDAY, 27th JANUARY 2019, to participate in events you all opted for. Also like to extend my best wishes to all participants, and expect that each one will participate with sportsman spirit.
Briefing about Jasn-e-Bachpan :Jasn-e-bachpan is an initiative taken by TAKSHILA SCHOOL GAYA, which is conducted every year to provide platform to all youngster to explore their capability in area of own interest. It also becomes meaningful, as each participant competes with large number of participants. This year around 457 participants have registered and you are one of them.
Events List: (1) Solo Dance (2) Solo Song (3) Drawing (4) Craft (5) Fancy Dress
(6) Quiz (7) Photography (8) Rangoli (9) Drama / Acting
(10) Instrumental (11) Speech & Extempore (12) Story / Poem Writing
(13) Essay writing
Rules & Regulation :
(1) Solo Dance– Participants are requested to bring their piece of song either original or remix of their own choice in pendrive with no other file present in it and need to submit with a name tag, to office at the time of registration. Time duration for each participant is 3 mins. Song or music on which performance is to be done should be set /designed in such a way that it finishes in 3 mins. Don’t forget to collect your pendrive after event is over. Performance will be judged on 4 parameters, presentation, choice of song, dress, start and end, total 20 marks.
(2) Solo Song– Participants are requested to bring their own accompanist if required or music track on which song to be sung in pendrive with no other file in itand need to submit with a name tag, to office at the time of registration. Time duration for each participant is 3 mins. Music track on which performance is to be done should be set /designed in such a way that it finishes in 3 mins. Don’t forget to collect your pendrive after event is over. Performance will be judged on 4 parameters, coordination with beats, choice of song, voice, start and end, total 20 marks.
(3) Drawing – Drawing sheet will be provided by the school of prescribed size to all participants. Participants are required to bring all colour materials of their own. Drawing can be sketch, portrait or painting. Theme is open and depends on participant’s choice. Participants are required to write their name, school/college name, age, address, phone number and participation ID at the back of the drawing sheet without fail.Performance will be judged on 4 parameters, theme, colour combination, clarity, finishing total 20 marks. Timing for the same is 1 hr.
(4) Craft– Participants are required to bring all necessary materials along with themselves and need to assemble the material at the venue. Craft can be of paper, wood or any other material.Participants are required to put tag on their work with name, school/college name, age, address, phone number and participation ID. Performance will be judged on 4 parameters, theme, material used, clarity, finishing total 20 marks. Timing for the same is 1 hr.
(5) Fancy Dress– Participants are required to come in complete dress. No official will be provided for dress up, however, green room will be provided if at all dressing need to be done at venue but parents or guardian can only help the participants to dress up. No extra time will be given if name is called and participant is not ready. Participants need to come on the stage and will introduce themselves about the character they are representing. Performance will be judged on 4 parameters, dress, presentation, introduction, dialogue delivery total 20 marks. Timing for the same is 2 mins on the stage.
(6) Quiz– The competition will be conducted in two rounds. Participants are required to appear in written round first to qualify for final stage round. There will be certain number of questions with multiple choice answers. Participants are required to put tick on correct option. Any question marked with two or more options will attract penalty with negative mark. Writing time is 1 hr. Content of questions are on General Science and Current Affairs.
(7) Photography– Participants are required to click photograph by any device of any area, person in action, building, classroom or greenery within school campus on the day of event and need to submit in softcopy as attachment on mail id itcoordinator.gaya@takshilaschools.in with caption of photograph. Participants can click and mail as many photos they want on same mail id with name, school/college name, age, address, phone number and participation ID in the mail itself. Photograph to be submitted in JPG file. No videos will be entertained. Performance will be judged on 4 parameters, picture clarity, connection of caption with photo, camera angle, photograph total 20 marks.
(8) Rangoli – Participants are required to bring own material for rangoli making. Area will be provided by the school. Theme is open but need to finish work in 2 x 2 ft area. After finishing the work participants are required to inform the judge to take the photograph of your work with name, school/college name, age, address, phone number and participation ID written at the side of your rangoli design before leaving the place. Any damage to the work in participants absence, school shall not be held responsible. Performance will be judged on 4 parameters, theme, design, colour used, clarity and finishing, total 20 marks. Time allotted 1 hr.
(9) Drama / Acting– Participants are required to showcase the performance on the stage on any theme, topic. Time allotted for showcasing is 3 mins. Only audio system as support will be provided by the school, all other props required for presentation should be brought by the participants. Music or other sound track required during presentation should be submitted in pendrive with no other file in it before start of event with name tag put on pendrive. Supporting contents to be framed and tracked as per your timing of performance and not be guided to operator for start and stop in mid of the performance. Performance will be judged on 4 parameters, presentation, dialogue delivery, boldness on stage, content total 20 marks.
(10) Instrumental – Participants are required to bring their own instrument for their performance. No accompanist will be provided by the school. Music track can be used as support but need to be submitted before start in pendrive with name tag. Time for presentation is 3 mins. Performance will be judged on 4 parameters, presentation, tempo, beat,clarity of sound of instrument total 20 marks.
(11) Speech & Extempore– Participants will be given the topic before start of the event in a piece of paper on lottery system. Participants will be given 5 mins to prepare themselves on the topic given and need to speak for 2 mins on the topic. Voice should be loud and clear by adjusting the mike piece. Performance will be judged on 4 parameters, presentation/bodylanguage/boldness, voice clarity, fluency, content of topic total 20 marks. Participants can speak in any language of their choice.
(12) & (13) Story/Poem & Essay writing– Participants are required to bring their own writing material, school will provide only the paper of prescribed format to write the article. Topic will be given by the school and writing time allotted for writing is 1 hr. Participants can write in any language of their choice.Performance will be judged on 4 parameters, presentation, handwriting, connectivity with topic, content of topic total 20 marks. Before submitting ensure that name, school/college name, age, address, phone number and participation ID is written on the paper.
Common Points to be followed wherever applicable
· Competition will start by 10.30 a.m. and will end by 4.00 p.m.
· Participants list events wise will be displayed at different places (Main Gate, Building Entrance, Gallery with venue and official In charge name for where and whom to report to.
· In room Official In charge will be available all the time where participants can report any time, will give the attendance and time of reporting and will receive participation ID and material to be provided by the school, after completing the work it should be submitted with all personal details written or displayed with Participation ID and putting signature while leaving the room ensuring the work has been submitted. Official In charge need to write the reporting time and leaving time without fail.
· For stage performance name will be called once and if fails to report, final call will be given second time and if failed to report will be considered disqualified. Name will be called as per the list displayed.
· All sound track submitted in pendrive should be in MP3 format only.
· Order and time of stage events will be announced in advance depending on strength of participants in each events. Tentative order will be Solo Dance, Solo Song , Fancy Dress , Drama / Acting , Instrumental , Speech & Extempore, Quiz.
· For every event, participation certificate will be awarded. First, Runner up and 2nd runner up will be awarded with certificate of achievement and medals.
· Result, if available will be shared on the same day, else will be shared to individual achievers on contact number shared.
· In each individual events winner will be awarded with 5, 3 and 2 points for 1st,2nd and 3rd position, respectively. Individual participants score will be added and highest point top two scorer will be declared as champion and will be awarded.
· Only participants will be given a coupon for refreshment. Other visitor can have refreshment on payment basis.